Thursday, December 10, 2009

Monday, December 7, 2009

Human Cell

I have made a human celll, i wanted to make something different yet for it to have a unique shape and style to it, it is a very simple yet effective living organizm, i started of via a geosphere and then i beveled the shape numerous times, i also couldnt get the spikes right so i had to play around with it and untill i got the desired finish i also added a noise modifier which i kept the settings low. Once i done that i added the texture, i wanted a mix of black and white grey colours with a blend, i sourced this from, the only problem i encoutered was getting the skin on the cell correctly and having the right effect on the shape. i am yet to really be confident with 3Ds max but i am enjoying these tutorials.

Thursday, November 26, 2009

SWOT Analysis


I doubt I have any strenghts in this particular subject, but I would consider my good eye for detail and stubborness to fit here. Hopefully, these personal characteristics will help me to produce some descent results at the end of the module.


The biggest weakness would be that I have absolutely no experience working with any 3D computer graphics software, but I find more and more similairities to other graphic programs while working with 3Ds Max and getting more familiar with the program itself.


Knowing 3D modelling and animating opens a wide range of opportunities in various fields, such as game production, animation, cinematography, architecture and many more. It is a must have skills for a Multimedia student. I also like the idea that you can also use your 3D work in an image or video editing software afterwards and get amazing results out of it.


I think i have timed and space this project wrong as i didnt know i was going to struggle with 3Ds Max so much although i like the programme, I won't be able produce results that will satisfy me. At the moment, I am not only making things with 3Ds Max, but also getting familiar with it's interface so it takes double that time. i like the programme so will deffanitly take experience and tips from it and use it in the future!

Thursday, November 5, 2009

My Final ideas and models, i have choosen these three as i think they are at my level to be able to Model and have a visually appealing 3D model. I specifically choose these as i like the shapre colours and textures of the animals.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Today we played around with a leaf and manipulated using 3D Max and made into a final rendered leaf. The leaf was a good starting point and really helped to get into the swing of things i struggled with getting the right colouration on the leaf.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

3D Animation

First view on 3D Max and Project Brief

It a great different programme, very user friendly in my opinion once you get the first tutorial out the way it becomes alot easier, but there is so much more to still try and play around with to be able to use it to its full potentual, which i am looking forward too! overall i liek the programme and really looking forward to using it!

I think the project on 3D stamps is different and will be challenging, but looking forward to see how creative i can get and what i can come up with, i think its different and i like the idea!